February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

For all the bad luck today could have brought, superstitiously of course, it actually turned out to be rather good. My legs felt great and the calf pain that had been nagging me since the hideous long run was virtually gone. I was getting really worried since the pain flared up to a point of barely being tolerable last night. Plus I started to feel sick and feverish after that long swim. I felt like my body just wasn't cooperating.

After a relatively sleepless night and being awakened by the meter reader, I ended up going back to bed and sleeping in. This turned out to be the best decision. I felt much better later in the morning and decided to go ahead and give the bike test a try.

It was a short, simple workout designed to establish my average heart rate for the effort. I did a 5-minute warm up, then 30 minutes of the hardest riding I could sustain, a few minutes of regular riding and then a cool down. I had to do it indoors on the trainer so speed/distance were not a factor.

I felt slow at first but definitely felt stronger as the test progressed. My bike fitness has a long way to go but I can already feel it improving after just a few rides. That's the great thing about biking. It's fairly easy to earn it back.

I was aiming for 10-15 minutes of riding after the test, but my legs said stop after 7 so I cut it short. I have a long workout on the schedule for tomorrow, my first brick of the season, so I thought it best not to push my luck.

Biking (trainer)
Time - 45:00

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