August 16, 2009

A Changer

Back when I did Horribly Hilly Hundreds, my coach told me it would be a changer - a workout that would change me either mentally or physically and I'd be able to do more after it. Today's ride fell into that category for a few reasons. It was the hottest day of the week, it was super hilly thanks to my skillful routing, and it was the longest ride I've ever done alone. It ended up being one of my slowest rides, but it felt like a huge accomplishment. It was a very long day filled with a million thoughts and observations. Here are a few I can remember:
  • About 3 seconds into my ride I ran into one of the guys I met on Wednesday's ride who gave me the new route. In a city of 8 million people, how is it possible to bump into someone twice in the same week?
  • I saw no less than five cyclists without helmets. I don't understand how someone can drop thousands of dollars on a bike and gear, and not spend another hundred to protect the most important part of their body. Idiots.
  • I only saw one other solo female today. Biking is such a man's sport.
  • There are a lot of wild turkeys in New York.
  • I'm not sure what's scarier - traffic or the 5-6 deer that threatened to dart out in front of me.
  • Harriman State Park is beautiful. I've been hiking there, but never biked there. I can't wait to go back.
  • Hills don't scare me anymore. I still move at a snail's pace up them, but I no longer panic when I see them coming.
  • Dropping your chain on a super steep climb, in the direct sun, on a road with no shoulder is just no fun.
  • Heat destroys me. I am praying for a cool to moderate day in Wisconsin.
  • I need to rethink my choice in tri top for the race after two solid months of testing it out. I'm not sure there is enough support for 26.2 miles.
  • The 10 minutes I spent quickly saying hello to all my friends at the local bar before my run was a bright spot in my day. It's amazing how something so small could be so positive and energizing.
  • Despite all the frustration with body fat and weight gain, I realized today that I love my body. It is strong, resilient and continues to amaze me each and every time I demand that it do more. Ten years ago I could barely get up a flight of stairs. I've come a long way.
  • I really miss food on long training days. Between the hours of 7:30am and 8:30pm I consumed: 160 ounces of Gatorade; 1 mini corn muffin; 4 hammer gels; 3 Luna Bars; 20 ounces of water; 1 Recoverite recovery drink; 1 glass of chocolate soy milk. I made up for it with a massive dinner.
  • I'm doing an Ironman four weeks from today!!!
The heat was intense today. I'm not sure what it actually topped out at but it was well into the 90s. It may not have been the ideal day to tackle such a hilly route but I'm glad I did. Here is the elevation map:

I leave you with a glimpse of Harriman. It made a hot, humid and uncomfortable ride totally worthwhile.

Distance - 99.30 miles
Time - 6:49:08

Distance - 8 miles
Time - 1:12:54

1 comment:

  1. Excellent training and it should be a confidence builder! You've about got it all in the bank and will be totally ready! I know where Harriman is, good to hear that it has good riding...I'll need some routes come 2012! Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to watching the internet feed for IMWI!



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