December 8, 2009

I Could be Different

Does anyone else find this to be an incredibly hard time of year to be consistent? The holiday season is packed full of activities that often do not mesh with the plans of a triathlete. I find myself trying to get started again only to be stopped at every turn. But luckily I'm not minding it much.

I've been a little overwhelmed with personal things and anyone who has regularly read this blog knows I don't talk about personal things. Suffice it to say I've had significant changes in my life in the past year and while many were sad or challenging, all of them led me to where I am today. I wouldn't be this person and have had all the rewarding experiences of the past year without the challenges that came along with them. I was watching the film Under the Tuscan Sun and in the final scenes the narrative says, "Any arbitrary turning along the way and I would be elsewhere, I would be different." Isn't that what life's all about? Every step we take leads to the next and the next and so forth. If we'd taken different paths we'd be different people.

With that thought I will forgive myself for blowing off another day of training in lieu of attending to important personal things. There will always be tomorrow and the guilt I feel today means the motivation will still be there when I wake up. After all I'm human. I'm not a professional athlete, I'm not an elite age grouper. I'm just an ordinary person attempting to get started on another season. Next year I'll be even more different.


  1. I have "plans" to do workouts during the week of Christmas while I am home with my family. It would be a Christmas miracle if I accomplished every workout!

  2. We all have to live within the circumstances we find ourselves in. If that means skipping a workout here and there, I am not sure it matters all that much.

    Let go of that guilt! View your workouts as fun and not a duty. This simple shift can help you get rid of the guilt associated with skipping from time to time.

  3. great post. Plans are meant to be broken sometimes, and yes, as much as training can help alleviate stress or shift focus from something else, you still need to take care of the other "stuff." All the best.

  4. Nice post girl. You certainly have a great attitude about your life.

    And yes.....I'm having trouble with training right now. Tis the season to drink wine and get fat. Ok....that's a little over the top, but it is nice to take a break, let your body heal, and think about the upcoming season.

  5. Very well said and something that we all struggle with. All the best.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog- I'm so happy to have found yours. Don't be too hard on yourself about taking some time for yourself. You will be better off for it.



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