August 26, 2011

Come on Irene

I can't seem to catch a break this season. Let's see, I had the treacherous winter that led to a slip on the ice groin pull, full on GI shut down during the monsoon that was the LA Marathon (fondly referred to as the Hell-A Marathon), extended marathon recovery that led to 8 pounds weight gain, slow start to the season due to work/travel, more work/travel followed by a deep chest cold and tear gassing, a lovely bout with the stomach flu... for 12 days, finally getting back in the saddle only to be constantly derailed by weather, generally in the form of rain. And that leads me to the present.

This is my final build week. The last long training sessions before the big day on September 11. I'd had a pretty remarkable week until today, nailing a long ride Monday, two solid rides Tuesday, my best long run yet Wednesday, and a decent recovery ride yesterday. We had plans to drive to Lake Placid today where I'd do my final long ride tomorrow and head back on Sunday. Only Hurricane Irene decide to mess with our plans. Early this morning over coffee and English muffins we decided it wasn't wise to leave town today and risk not getting back safely on Sunday, or even Monday.

The forecast starting late tonight is all rain all the time so I had to head out and attempt my final long ride today. Totally unprepared. I felt ok, but 9 miles in I realized I wasn't. I was weak, dizzy, loopy, not really all there. A 3% grade felt like 20% and I was exhausted. I really needed another day to rest, to recharge, and most importantly, to mentally prepare. Being thrown into this with no thought was not going to work. I texted my good friend Laura, who is also doing IMWI, Mark, and my coach, and waited for permission to quit. Laura's reply came quickly and I found myself standing in Riverside Park in Manhattan in tears. I wasn't necessarily upset, I was just so utterly exhausted. Mark told me to be safe and my coach told me to pull the plug. So I continued over the GW Bridge into New Jersey and did a very short 30 mile ride that included several pauses, a muffin and a coffee. I felt so flat at times it was as if I were floating on someone else's bike. But I still enjoyed being out in the sun, on a beautiful day, enjoying the last of the summer. I logged 60 very slow miles instead of the 100 I was aiming for.

Upon arriving home I was bombarded with news of evacuations and Irene preparedness plans. It occurred to me that I might not be taking the situation seriously so I went to the market and stocked up on non-perishables. Mark suggested I pack up myself and Otis and spend the weekend at his place and I decided it was a good idea. I live near the water and am therefore on the border of zone B, which is unlikely to evacuate, but means the storm will be worse here. He's further inland in a larger, more stable building, so Otis and I can tuck in for the weekend and ride out the storm.

So my final build has been cut short, but it's far beyond my control. I'm going to attempt a trip into Manhattan tomorrow morning before the mass transit shut down to get in a final long swim, and will try to fit in a trainer ride before rolling up the carpets, moving the furniture and evacuating my apartment. At least I finally get to sleep in on Sunday!


  1. I am at a loss for words, I can't believe you stroke of luck. I think you need a great big hug!!! ((hugs)) to you, girl!

  2. man, you can't seem to catch a break! bummer that your training is being interrupted, but it sounds like you still managed to get in some good training this past week. hope things start to look up soon. stay safe!

  3. But you know what... you'll be fine even though you cut it short! :)

    Super big (hug) to you and hoping things are looking up from here on out!

  4. On a positive note, you remained boot-free for the entire year right?? :)



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