October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

I love Halloween. It's the one day a year where it's socially acceptable to make a total fool of yourself in public. I live in the West Village, Halloween Central of New York City, so more entertainment than you can possibly imagine is right outside my door.

Before the revelry began, I had to make a quick trip up to the marathon expo to check in for the race and pick up some odds and ends. But I made this trip lightning fast. I love a good expo, but this was my 6th of the year so I'm a little expo'd out. I got home, changed into my costume and headed out to my local bar.

I don't dress up every year, but when I do, I like to keep it simple and original. I'm not a big fan of fancy costume shop costumes and I don't use Halloween as an excuse to wear an outfit that shows more of my butt cheeks and boobs than anyone cares to see, unlike what seems to be about 95% of the female population. To each his own, I'm just saying it's not for me. So this year, I went as dry cleaning. The ultimate in cheap and easy costumes. Everything actually came from the dry cleaners except for the $1.99 headband used to hold the hanger on my head.

The costume was a big hit, but by the end of the night, I must have heard "can I hang you in my closet" 1,000 times. I got called laundry girl and hanger head a fair amount as well.

We spent a bit of time at the local and planned to walk some of the parade, but the crowds were unbearable so we decided to have dinner instead before heading to another local spot. The second bar was way better. Nearly everyone was in costume so it was much more fun. This is where I saw what was hands down the best costume of the night. His stained up wife beater said "Alaskins Four Palin," he had the mullet and redneck teeth, and drank his beer out of a bag. Hilarious!

Then my second favorite of the night walked in. I turned around and there was a guy in a bathrobe drinking a White Russian with a carton of milk in his pocket - The Dude from The Big Lebowski. After he finished the White Russian, he put his beer bottles in the milk carton.

I was out late, likely way more late than I should have been two nights before a marathon. But it's only a race and you only live once. I'll make up for it with a lot of rest and Gatorade on Saturday.

Lastly, I did my final run earlier today. My legs have been on and off all week so I decided to do a combination of running on the treadmill and the elliptical. At this point I'm not gaining much except for staying flexible, but I can certainly lose a lot. It also got me to 100% of my BT October Challenge goal so at least I didn't let another team down.

Distance - 5.12 miles
Time - 47:00

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